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3/16/2006 - 11:21 a.m.

Plastic Surgery Consult Round 2

I went back to UNC yesterday to see Dr. Damitz. Everyone was really nice and appologetic for the screw up, for me having to come back, etc. But now I'm glad that I went back.

We talked about the surgeries I wanted-- most importantly the tummy tuck and breast lift and implants, which are the 2 things that we tried to submit last time. Then we started talking about other stuff and decided to add the inner thigh skin removal and body lift. I doubt it'll all get approved, but it doesn't hurt to try. The worst they can say is no. I will be very, very happy if just the tummy tuck and breasts are approved, and if the others are approved it'll be an added bonus.

We took a lot of pictures this time-- better ones than last time, from all different angles. She also took measurements this time to gage the amount of loose skin on my stomach and the difference in my breast sizes. She also wrote down a lot of complications these things have caused such as rashes, infections, muscle pain, etc. And this time, I also had her submit a letter of request for approval that I wrote to the insurance company myself, explaining my situation. I heard that it helps to make it more personal, and I'm hoping it'll increase my chances of being approved. So this time, the consult and paperwork were much more thorough than last time, and if it gets me approved, then I'm happy I had to go back a second time.

It's still so hard to know with Tricare what my chances are. Like the Dr. said last time, there are times with Tricare that she's SURE a patient will be approved and they're not, and then there are times where she thinks there is no way a patient will be approved and they are. I guess it just depends on who is reviewing your case. The doctor started the dictation to submit before I even left the office and she said she'll put a rush on my case, making it a priority. But since she has no say over the insurance company, she said I still could be waiting until the end of April before I hear anything.

The good news is that if I am approved, since it was UNC's screw up with my records, they will put me in the front of the list for a surgery date, and I should be able to have my surgery within 2 weeks of being approved.

As for now, its back to waiting. If I'm approved, I could be having my surgery in May. If its denied, I'll have to start the appeals process which I'm really not looking forward to but I really don't want to get ahead of myself and even think about that right now. Its out of my hands at this point, so all I can do is wait, hope, pray, and think positively.

Below is my letter that I wrote to the insurance company:

To whom it may concern RE:Reconstructive surgery

I am writing in hopes of having reconstructive surgery on my tummy, breasts and inner thighs approved. My name is Jill ******. I am 29 years old, and had gastric bypass surgery on April 12, 2004. My starting weight was 288lbs and I was on my way to dying from morbid obesity. This surgery saved my life. I have gotten down to 140lbs, going from a dangerous BMI of 46.5 to a healthy BMI of 22.6. and have been able to maintain this weight for almost 6 months now. I am incredibly thankful for this life-saving tool that has allowed me to lead a healthy, active lifestyle, however, this has left me with new problems, and the feeling of being an unfinished product.

I am so proud of my accomplishments and finally look forward to living again. I can breathe, I can sleep without gasping for air, I can run and play with my children. My quality of life has increased ten-fold. I have lost 148lbs, but do not have the skin elasticity to allow my skin to shrink down. I have been left with skin folds in my stomach area and thighs. I have been dealing with reoccurring rashes and yeast infections in the fold of skin over my stomach. The skin on my thighs rub together leaving them irritated and raw. My breasts have suffered the worst. I have lost almost all of my breast tissue, and they now look like hanging skin. My right breast is more than a cup size larger than the left. I have been left with rashes and yeast infections underneath the hanging skin that used to be my breasts. All of this has caused hygiene problems. Despite meticulous care, I just cannot seem to avoid these rashes and infections. My breasts have also caused neck, shoulder and back pain. I have trouble finding a bra and clothing does not fit me properly.

I have had a gym membership for over a year and faithfully work out every week. I have been told numerous times that diet and exercise will not correct these problems I am having and that they can only be corrected with reconstructive surgery. The surgery would benefit me greatly and will decrease the amount of future medical bills that I may accrue due to the constant dermatitis and yeast infections. Because of the large amount of weight loss that I have successfully achieved and have now maintained, I should not be made to suffer the travails of such skin infections and other problems. These can almost be as debilitating as the weight itself. I appeal to you to approve reconstructive surgery for a tummy tuck, breast lift and augmentation and skin removal on my inner thighs to allow me to avoid these infections and any associated depression that might result from them.

Thank you for your consideration.

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