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01/11/2004 -

Getting my consults put into the system

I saw my PCM (Dr. Kim) on Friday. He put in the consults for my pulmonary function test, stress test, and sleep study. He also ordered a thyroid test and blood series to be done, but the lab was closed on Friday, so I have to make my way back up there this week.

Tomorrow I call tricare and make my appointments. It will be really nice to have all the testing done before I go see Dr. Carter, but if not, as long as they're scheduled, I'll be happy :)

My husband and I had a long discussion about the surgery this weekend. He expressed alot of fear about the surgery and said he didn't want me to go through with it. He also thinks I'm going to be miserable afterwards. After he realized that I've already made up my mind and there is no way he can convince me otherwise, he's been trying to be more supportive, although I know he still has some major reservations about the surgery. I'm hoping to drag him to the doctor or support group meeting one of these days so he can better understand it all. Oprah is dedicating a show to gastric bypass patients tomorrow. My tv is all set to record. I can at least get him to watch that!

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