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01/07/2004 -

Getting all of my ducks in a row

I've been visiting the site lately (which was recommended at our last support group meeting) and was able to find other gastric bypass patients that have undergone (or are waiting to undergo) surgery with Dr. Carter. I found out there are still a lot of tests I need to have done. This website has been a Godsend! Had it not been for this site, I would not have even known to schedule these tests until after my appointment with Dr. Carter at the end of the month.A special thanks to Erika who told me exactly what I had to do!

I called to make an appointment with my PCM today (Dr. Kim). I was lucky enough that they were able to fit me in this Friday. I will have my thyroid test done then, and he will put in consults for the pulmonary function test, the stress test, and the sleep study. I will also have to get a paper from Dr. Greenfield, the psychologist, saying that he has given me the "ok" for surgery, and I'll have to stop by the wellness center to pick up a form stating I have taken the nutrition class. I'm hoping by having all of this done, and appointments scheduled by the time I see Dr. Carter, it will help speed up the process a little bit.

I also have to start writing out my medical history, family medical history, and diet history for insurance purposes. I'm really nervous about being denied. I have no health problems. Nobody in my family has any medical problems. I can attempt to write out a diet history, but only one diet is documented in my medical records. I can't not remember the exact date for every yo-yo diet I've been on for the past 6 years. I really hope this doesn't cause me to get denied for the surgery. I'm hoping that the fact my BMI is a 46 is enough!

I also want to start an excercise routine before my consult. I've been procrastinating and I'm proud to say I did my research today. I started by calling the gyms on post and found out about the classes they offer. I've decided to start taking a water aerobics class on Monday and Wednesday evenings. I also called the Youth Center to find out their "open swim" hours. It looks like I'll be doing some laps Wednesday and Friday mornings while the kids are all in school.

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